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Midland Fives League AGM 2023

The meeting was held at Acocks  Green Bowl on 19/11/23 @ 2pm

Attending:- Andrew Smith, Andy Preece,  Trevor Pike, Matt Herbert, Rich Dunn and Ross Timmins.

Apologies:- Tracy Timbrell, Martin Johnson, Dave Faultless, Lee Austin

President’s report:- The president said he was pleased with the previous season and was looking forward to the new season.

Treasurer’s report:- The treasurers report was presented by the secretary as the treasurer was absent, the report was discussed and was proposed by A. Smith and seconded by R. Timmins unanimously agreed upon.

Secretary’s report:- The secretary said he was very happy how the season had gone, but put forward some proposals, the first was to make the individual high game to be unisex, (carried unanimously), secondly it was proposed for the team high game to be reduced to £5 per round, (carried unanimously). The 300 ball rule was changed to only a new ball will be awarded if the bowler has not won one before in the league.

Prize Fund:- All the prize fund will be awarded at the first round of the new season.

The league committee was re-elected on bloc.

The president then thanked everyone for attending and for an interesting meeting and closed the meeting @ 3.15