www.midlandfives.co.uk www.midlandfives.co.uk www.midlandfives.co.uk www.midlandfives.co.uk www.midlandfives.co.uk
The league shall be known as The Midland Fives and shall not be sanctioned by the British Tenpin Bowling Association, but all normal playing rules shall apply together with the following rules.
The purpose of the league shall be to promote Ten Pin Bowling for teams within the Midlands
Definition of Midland Counties – Bedfordshire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Hertfordshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, West Midlands, Worcestershire.
Teams shall be accepted from outside the defined area, but no fixtures shall be scheduled outside the defined area.
The league programme shall be organised into divisions identified as 1, 2, 3 etc.
Each division shall comprise of six teams (the only exception may be the last division which shall comprise of the remaining teams) and shall play six fixtures per season with each fixture on a round robin basis plus one.
The number of teams promoted may be increased to retain the number of teams in a division.
Each division to commence match play at 10.30 am
All fixtures shall continue without a break (except for the lane dressing interval) until the scheduled games have been completed.
An interval shall be incorporated after the first three games have been completed to allow for lane dressing to be undertaken, and to allow for a lunch break.
All fixtures will bowl three games, followed by the lane dress then three games with a two ball practice per bowler per lane after redress.
At the completion of the league programme the teams finishing in first and second place in each division shall be promoted.
The teams finishing in fifth and sixth in each division shall be relegated.
No exceptions to the above ruling shall be allowed.
Subject to teams being eliminated or retiring at the end of the season, thus reducing a division to less than six teams, the vacant position will be filled by promoting additional teams from the next lower division.
Membership of the league shall be open to teams with a playing strength of 4 bowlers ( but a minimum of 2 constitutes a legal line up).
The team name shall be a place name i.e. city, town, village or postal address (nicknames are allowed i.e. wizards etc)
The prize fund and trophies shall be determined by the executive committee.
Any bowler bowling a 300 game will receive a new bowling ball of their choice, and certificate from the league,.
Practice will be prior t 10 minutes to the commencement of the first game and fourth game.
An Auditor, who cannot be a member of the executive committee in office, shall be elected at the A.G.M.
The Treasurer will close the league accounts a minimum of twenty eight days prior to the A.G.M. to allow the audit to be completed.
Meetings may be called by the Secretary, or upon the written application of not less than 2 team captains
The executive committee shall hold meetings only if requested or if needed. (One meeting should be at the start and one at the end of the scheduled season).
These rules may only be amended or repealed at the annual general meeting, or at any management committee meeting.
Such action shall be governed by a majority vote prior to the commencement of the league season at the annual general meeting, after the commencement of the league season by the management committee but a unanimous vote shall be necessary.
League fees to be at £140 per round, per team.
All current B.T.B.A. members welcome
No one other than the named person to collect any prize fund for that team, unless written permission given, backed up by e-mail or phone call to the Secretary/Treasurer.
Divisional managers will have full responsibility for their said division on the day (any disputes refer to rule 19).
Any abuse of bowling centre equipment i.e. ball returns etc will result firstly in a warning, thus any further abuse will result in the forfeiture of that game and also with all concerned the removal of that player for the remainder of the days play.
Any damage to a centres equipment will be paid for by the individual concerned, and also removed from the said centre if the management of that centre wishes to do so.
Players preparing to bowl in the next game will be able to practice on lanes provided at the discretion of the centre management. The Practice may commence throughout the days play
The management shall be vested in a committee comprising a President (Chairman), Vice President (Vice Chairman), Secretary, Treasurer, Results Secretary, Divisional Managers and all Team Captains. Captains Captains.
The Results Secretary shall keep correct and up to date records of all scores for teams and players and keep the website up to date. Any entries for the web site (except for scores) shall only be allowed , with the express verbal permission from the Secretary or Treasurer.
The Divisional Managers shall be asked to take office at the AGM and be responsible for the collection of league fees and organisation of the division at each fixture, and to ensure that all score sheets are signed by both team captains and they are countersigned by the Divisional Manager and all score sheets and the relevant paperwork returned to the relevant officers, and to ensure that balance of the league fees are paid into the bank account or sent to the Treasurer.
The executive officers of the league shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Results Secretary.
All executive officers shall be elected at the AGM.
The President shall verify that all funds have been deposited into the appropriate bank/building society in the name of Midland Fives League, with the signatures of two of the following :- President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer needed for the withdrawal of funds.
The Secretary is responsible for the proper organisation and function of the league.
NOTE :- An Emergency General Meeting need only be called if the Secretary or Treasurer resigns or has to be replaced, ALL other officers can be replaced at any committee meeting.
The name, address and phone numbers plus e-mail address of the Team captain must be given in writing at the commencement of the season, only team member’s names are needed.
Additional players may be registered during the season with the exception of the final fixture (see below).
A registration fee of £5 shall be payable for each player,.
There will be no limit to the number of players that can be registered.
A player is allowed to play as reserve or substitute for any other team
Unregistered bowlers required to bowl on the day must be paid for prior to the commencement of bowling and notification given to the Divisional Manager, but NO player will be allowed to bowl on the final fixture unless the player has bowled prior to the final fixture.
The Team Captain shall be responsible for the collection of league fees agreed at the AGM from the team.
The Team Captain is also responsible for the correctness of the team score sheet and shall sign the opposing team score and verifying the totals with the opposing team captain and ensure the score sheet is returned to the Divisional Manager.
Any team captain considering a member of the team or opposing team to be guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct shall refer the matter to the Divisional Manager, who if needed shall refer the matter in writing for consideration by the executive committee.
All teams shall be required to wear uniformed bowling shirts (same style and colour), and display on the back the team registered place name.
Team sponsorship details will only be allowed to accompany the team place name.
A player not bowling in the registered team shirt shall not be prevented from bowling but shall be warned for the next fixture and a point shall be deducted f or further discressions.
NOTE :- This shirt rule will be relaxed for ‘new’ teams who will be allowed to participate in, Round 1 without uniformed bowling shirts. New teams must conform to the rule from Round 2.
Players may wear any trousers or Denim, but no ripped or frayed Denim is allowed.
Hat or caps can now be worn.
Bowling shoes must be commercially produced.
Smoking and eating will not be allowed in the vicinity of the lanes.
When a tie occurs for any position in the league, the team with the highest total pinfall shall be awarded the higher position.
Players arriving after the fifth team frame will not be allowed to participate in that game.
A blind score of 140 shall be allowed for any absent bowler and 100 per player after (unless a substitute has been agreed upon to bowl).
Should a player be injured and unable to complete a game, the team captain can replace that player with another registered player or be allowed one tenth of the injured players average for each of the remaining frames of that game.
NOTE :- These signatories must not be members of the same immediate family.
NOTE – If the team captain is not available it shall be an accredited representative.
Tailored shorts or skirts are also allowed as are track bottoms
League standings shall be determined on a petersen system where as 6 points per team win and 2 points per player win .
The original rule 14 titled forfeiture, which was. A team which cannot present a legal line up to play any scheduled fixture or fails to turn up for any fixture, shall be automatically disqualified from the league, and shall forfeit any prize fund accrued, and also shall be liable for full payment of the outstanding prize fund to the league (and the league has the right to take the necessary legal steps to recover the said prize fund was rescinded at the 2014/15 AGM
The Divisional Manager Shall call a Team Captains meeting to resolve any protests or disputes, if these cannot be resolved a written statement will then be put before a full divisional meeting with the executive committee to discuss and resolve. This shall be final, but if there is to be an appeal it shall be put to a full Emergency General Meeting.
In the event of an abandoned round any point accrued will count and an additional round shall be organised
2023 2024
Pacers can be used by any team, but they are required to pay £5 per game.
The 300 ball rule only applies to bowler who has not previously bowled a 300 in this league.